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【28】Glass bottle manufacturers finally passed the difficult time

玻璃瓶廠家 酒瓶 玻璃瓶
2019-08-09 kaiyun

Glass bottle manufacturers finally passed the difficult time. In the past few years, the life of glass bottle manufacturers has been difficult, which ...

【38】Talk about the application of glass wine bottles in industry.

2019-08-15 kaiyun

Talk about the application of glass wine bottles in industry.The development of glass bottles in the industry is in full swing. Glass bottle manufactu...

【41】What should I pay attention to when buying glass wine bottles?

玻璃酒瓶 酒瓶 乳白瓶 玻璃瓶廠家 山東酒瓶廠 酒瓶定制 玻璃酒瓶 白酒瓶定制 酒瓶生產廠家 菏澤玻璃瓶廠 鄆城玻璃瓶
2021-10-12 kaiyun

What should I pay attention to when buying glass wine bottles?When customers buy glass wine bottles, the first thing to consider is the sealing perfor...

【31】The relationship between glass wine bottle customization process and laser marking machine

2019-08-13 kaiyun

The relationship between glass wine bottle customization process and laser marking machine1. Laser marking contributes to the rapid development of the...

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